Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Letter to Cindy Sheehan

This is a letter I would like to send to Cindy Sheehan, the mother of US Army Specialist Casey Sheehan. He may not be significant to many people and not any more a hero than many other soldiers who have served in our armed services throughout time. But what makes him seem more “special” is his mothers activism against our involvement in the Iraq war.

Dear Mrs. Sheehan,

I am sorry for the loss of your son, I am sure you were and are proud of him for his decision to serve in our armed forces. You no doubt loved and miss him very much.

However Mrs. Sheehan, you cannot place blame and cast stones against anyone for the death of your son but those who killed him. Your son willfully reenlisted in 2003 knowing the possibility that he may be sent into a war whether it would have been Iraq or anywhere else in the world. NO ONE today is forced to join the armed services although we do have to register, we are not drafting anyone’s sons or daughters to fight.

Your son was 24 when he reenlisted AFTER he had already served a term with the Army. He unselfishly reenlisted five months AFTER the War in Iraq had begun (which he did not have to do) and without any reservation volunteered to go on the rescue mission where he was killed, which I feel you, Mrs. Sheehan, should honour his decision and not defile it by your anti war campaign.

You are condemning your own son with every word of protest you make because he was not forced into the war, but willingly joined the fight along with thousands of other soldiers beside him.

Imagine if you will, for just one moment if you can spare it, if your son and the other soldiers had been successful in their mission and come out alive, would you be on this bandwagon against the war? No you cant imagine that because of course it didn’t turn out the way it was designed to go. But had it, would you have given praise to your son and the other soldiers who made it out? Or would you have continued to condemn them as the protesters did during the Vietnam War?

Century after Century, decade after decade, from the beginning of human existence we have had wars waged for every reason imaginable. Some for freedom against oppressive regimes, others because they wanted racial identity preserved. Some fought over land while others over political and religious ideology. Some it was for control over the drug trade while others it was for power. While others were over oil, gold, diamonds and profuse amounts of wealth.

Terrorist today are fueled by protest and media attention. You and ones like you, are feeding the terrorist fundamentalism and encouraging them to keep up their actions by giving them anti-government support. Like the school-yard fight that is egged on by the people chanting kill him kill him….

You are going against everything your son was fighting for and reenlisted in a hope to destroy. Your selfish agenda that ignores the cries of people who are suffering not just in Iraq, Afghanistan and other oppressive and terroristic regimes, but also within our own country where natural disaster has devastated lives shows who you really are. You and a few others who do not represent the majority of America have spit on the American spirit and your own son’s memory and what he believed in.

Your own selfish greed has been displayed in every protest you join and every word that comes from your mouth and has been put on display for all America and the world to see. Now especially when you said, “i am watching cnn and it is 100 percent rita...even though it is a little wind and a little rain...it is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today...and in the world!!!! Daily Kos

The only thing left for me to say is you are a selfish self-righteous hypocrite who points the finger at everyone else but forgets there are three pointing right back at you….

God Bless your son and all our troops from all countries who serve unselfishly when called to duty, whether in some foreign land protecting and fighting for people they never knew or protecting and helping their fellow countryman within our own borders.


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