Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Letter to Cindy Sheehan

This is a letter I would like to send to Cindy Sheehan, the mother of US Army Specialist Casey Sheehan. He may not be significant to many people and not any more a hero than many other soldiers who have served in our armed services throughout time. But what makes him seem more “special” is his mothers activism against our involvement in the Iraq war.

Dear Mrs. Sheehan,

I am sorry for the loss of your son, I am sure you were and are proud of him for his decision to serve in our armed forces. You no doubt loved and miss him very much.

However Mrs. Sheehan, you cannot place blame and cast stones against anyone for the death of your son but those who killed him. Your son willfully reenlisted in 2003 knowing the possibility that he may be sent into a war whether it would have been Iraq or anywhere else in the world. NO ONE today is forced to join the armed services although we do have to register, we are not drafting anyone’s sons or daughters to fight.

Your son was 24 when he reenlisted AFTER he had already served a term with the Army. He unselfishly reenlisted five months AFTER the War in Iraq had begun (which he did not have to do) and without any reservation volunteered to go on the rescue mission where he was killed, which I feel you, Mrs. Sheehan, should honour his decision and not defile it by your anti war campaign.

You are condemning your own son with every word of protest you make because he was not forced into the war, but willingly joined the fight along with thousands of other soldiers beside him.

Imagine if you will, for just one moment if you can spare it, if your son and the other soldiers had been successful in their mission and come out alive, would you be on this bandwagon against the war? No you cant imagine that because of course it didn’t turn out the way it was designed to go. But had it, would you have given praise to your son and the other soldiers who made it out? Or would you have continued to condemn them as the protesters did during the Vietnam War?

Century after Century, decade after decade, from the beginning of human existence we have had wars waged for every reason imaginable. Some for freedom against oppressive regimes, others because they wanted racial identity preserved. Some fought over land while others over political and religious ideology. Some it was for control over the drug trade while others it was for power. While others were over oil, gold, diamonds and profuse amounts of wealth.

Terrorist today are fueled by protest and media attention. You and ones like you, are feeding the terrorist fundamentalism and encouraging them to keep up their actions by giving them anti-government support. Like the school-yard fight that is egged on by the people chanting kill him kill him….

You are going against everything your son was fighting for and reenlisted in a hope to destroy. Your selfish agenda that ignores the cries of people who are suffering not just in Iraq, Afghanistan and other oppressive and terroristic regimes, but also within our own country where natural disaster has devastated lives shows who you really are. You and a few others who do not represent the majority of America have spit on the American spirit and your own son’s memory and what he believed in.

Your own selfish greed has been displayed in every protest you join and every word that comes from your mouth and has been put on display for all America and the world to see. Now especially when you said, “i am watching cnn and it is 100 percent rita...even though it is a little wind and a little rain...it is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today...and in the world!!!! Daily Kos

The only thing left for me to say is you are a selfish self-righteous hypocrite who points the finger at everyone else but forgets there are three pointing right back at you….

God Bless your son and all our troops from all countries who serve unselfishly when called to duty, whether in some foreign land protecting and fighting for people they never knew or protecting and helping their fellow countryman within our own borders.

Hurricane Katrina ... Playing the Blame Game

Previously posted on Sept 10, 2005 on another blog

Well *sigh* I knew it wouldn’t take long for some of my fellow classmates to get on the bash Bush bandwagon with none other than Michael Moore as their sole inspiration and of course information that reeks of month old backed up sewage.

Oh yes Michael Moore… he sure does know what really went on since he was there right? Just like all his other docudramas that spew out gallons of lies and half-truths that have the stench of street hookers and drunken bums. You know the dead fish smell with stale cheap wine.

One could only hope that Michael Moore gets hit right in the face with the next hurricane and wipes him off the face of the earth. But it wouldn’t end there of course because you get the other idiots who believe that Moore was some kind of super sleuth who managed to expose Bush for his involvement of 9/11 and other problems the US faces today *rolls eyes*

You know Bush must be some kind of God if he could control the weather, make New Orleans the poorest city in the US in only two terms, (not like there weren’t any poor people before Bush came into office?) and of course he is the sole conspirator of Global Warming!

When are these Moorilites going to get a clue? I guess if Michael Moore says it, it must be true! After all, Moore could never be wrong could he?

So now we have circulating the internet via emails from these Moorilites a
LETTER that MM wrote concerning the disaster that hit our southern states, most hurt were New Orleans and many parts of Mississippi.

Granted, these people were hit bad, I mean real bad. And I expressed my sadness and condolences for what these people are going through down there. But how MM and his Moorilites can honestly blame Bush for this disaster. There were failures on many parts. Many organizations that didn’t do what they were trained to do and other government officials who were running around with their thumbs up their asses, panicking instead of getting things done.

Some organizations who wouldn’t let others in while others were just on the edges of town not doing a damn thing. There were hundreds of school busses and transit vehicles that could have gotten the people out. THIS WAS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MAYOR AND GOVERNOR… NOT BUSH!

And it still boils down to the people themselves. Many of those who were left behind didn’t leave because they wanted to ride it out. Thought it wasn’t going to be “as bad” as it was. Some stayed because it was an opportunity to “gain” by way of looting and control as seen when rescuers came and were shot at.

MM blathers on about no helicopters or our National Guard members not being there. More or I should say MOORE BULLSHIT coming out of his vile mouth. As we all saw from the beginning, there were rescue attempts by many people, including rescue helicopters and military equipment i.e. helicopters, trying to get people to safety. They were also being shot at as if we were in some kind of third world country where rebels and drug gangs run the cities. Remember Somalia? That’s what we looked like when rescue personal were trying to get people!

Oh and lets not forget that gang of armed thugs who shot at contractors and their police escort trying to access the area… I only wish the police killed all of those bastards instead of just five of them.And National Guard… give me a break MM.. president Bush signed to have thousands of National Guardsmen report for the disaster, not to mention thousands more on alert as well as BRINGING HOME from Iraq, National Guard members who were from Louisiana! It wasn't a secret to anyone... it was broadcast over the media... hell even my ex who is a NG member up here in Arkansas was put on alert the second day after the storm hit.

/begin sarcasm... But of course MM is right… Bush doesn’t care about Blacks and he single handedly forced every Black citizen in New Orleans to be poor and uneducated. He is responsible for holding every poor Black person at gunpoint and forced them to stay in New Orleans. He denied them access to schools and work and kept them oppressed so they would all die by the hurricane he planned on leashing out against them.

Yes MM is right, Bush is a God and can do all those things and no one could stop him. Bush did all this even before he was born, I guess when he was in Heaven or elsewhere, directing this disease against Blacks, keeping them under poverty's thumb. By MM’s reasoning, its all Bush’s fault that they are poor, destitute, and in the situation they are in. /end sarcasm

As I said in my reply to that Moorilite classmate … “I’m certainly not pro Bush, but we can't blame everything on him... and its time we grow up and realize that…” And STOP PLAYING THE BLAME GAME!!!

Hurricane Kanye... err um... Katrina

Previously posted on Sept 8th, 2005 on another blog...

You know, I have been avoiding trying to say anything about the tragedy that hit our gulf coast recently, mainly because I did not want to sound like I didnt care or, as some would try to call me … a racist.

I really feel bad for those hit the hardest, the poor, however I get so angry when these people start blaming Bush or Whites for their problems. I get even angrier when I hear some community leaders or religious leaders such as Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton spewing the same old rhetoric that we don’t care about the Blacks down south, we push them aside in times of disasters and those who are rich and white get preferential treatment.

I get even more angry and my blood starts to boil when some civic leaders excuse the looting of “luxury” items such as plasma television sets, computers, other electronics and furniture, saying that its because they have been “held down” or oppressed these people are “getting back at society” for the injustices of the government.

Rap artist Kanye West went off script at a fundraiser to spew his political rhetoric, blaming Bush and the government saying of televised events and journalist quoting… “When whites take things from the stores its survival and when blacks do it its seen as looting”.

I don’t believe I saw or heard any news reporters doing this but capturing on camera people doing both looting for survival, thus only taking food and water and things used to keep them safe, and others taking advantage of the situation, arming themselves to the hilt and stealing electronics and luxury items.

There is a difference in stealing for survival and stealing because you can for the hell of it...

You know something... the ones doing most of the whining and complaining aren't even poor... aren't or weren't even living in New Orleans, a few maybe came from there once upon a time... but its not really coming from the actual people stuck there or those who refuse to leave from there...

One thing I have admired Bill Cosby lately for is his speeches of telling Blacks that they need to stop blaming society, blaming whitey for their demise. That the ONLY people holding them back are themselves.I completely agree with him in that there are more opportunities for minorities, namely Blacks, to get ahead now than there ever was before. There are special training programs specifically geared to help minorities get jobs. There are tons more scholarships and grants specifically for minorities, not to mention schools for Blacks or minorities only.

Now I don’t mind that they have these opportunities, and actually encourage it as everyone has the right to good education and a fair shake in life. But to keep blaming us for their own faults and downfalls is an insult, not just to Whites or the government but to the many people and organizations who offer these opportunities to them.

Stop blaming others that you didn’t leave when you should have. Stop blaming us for your lack of education…And… Its no ones fault but your own to stay in a place where it is dangerous!

Thousands of others have gotten out, so for you to not do it is your own damn fault and complete stupidity, plain ignorance that keeps you back looking for more electronics to thieve or turfs to control.

When hurricanes ripped through Florida last year and left thousands homeless and destitute, no one whined that the government wasn’t acting fast enough, though many of the people who lost homes were also black, Hispanic, Cuban, Haitian…etc. so why, in New Orleans are they calling foul? Blacks are NOT the only ones to lose their homes or live in poverty in New Orleans, there are also Mexicans and whites as well who live way below the poverty level…

Dr. Boyce Watkins, professor and author of several books to help minorities with getting higher education, wrote a book last year called, "What if George Bush were a Black Man"... has jumped on the blame the Bush administration and whitey bandwagon. He also goes further to EXCUSE the looting of luxuary items as a release for their oppression... (I wonder how much he donated to the poor and oppressed?)

Hey Kanye… how much did you donate to the relief fund?

Celebrities such as Hillary Duff, a teenager donated 250,000, Celine Dion gave a Million, Ellen Degeneres donated 1.5 mil, others donated a few hundred thousand to a couple million… Even Kuwait is giving us 500 mil…

So Kanye… you did a telethon to help raise money for the victims of the hurricane… you know ask people like the poor blacks to give a few dollars where they can, a few whites give a few dollars here and there… see you expect the average Joe to give up money… where’s your part? We haven’t read anywhere where you gave… but… time and criticism?

GET OFF OUR ASS KANYE and DR. Watkins! I don’t owe you a thing... I don’t owe society a thing… and I will help when I can, not out of any guilt, not because I have to, but because I want too… Like we did today... in the way of donating clothes, canned foods, water and blankets. And I do this while paying for my own education! I do it knowing I have to pay back the student loans once I get my degree... and I do it without the privilage of getting special scholarships and grants designed for only certain people...

The only person holding anyone back is those making excuses for their problems instead of helping them get up and work hard for it like anyone else can and does. NO ONE is pointing a gun at their heads and telling them they have to live in poverty and ignorance.

By the way Kanye, DR Boyce Watkins… here where I live is majority white… we have several truck loads, I’d say at least 100, of food, water, clothes, blankets, toys, personal products, toilet paper… you name it its on there… for the victims… so much for not caring huh?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The depths of beauty: How far will you go to achieve it

Today as soon as I turned on the TV to check the weather report, there was one of those annoying infomercials on talking about a revolutionary new make up product that hides blemishes, freckles, whatever you can imagine from public eye. In my opinion… putting on a mask.

Now, I am not against someone wearing a bit of makeup to enhance appearance if the person thinks it’s necessary, such as a bit of lip colour, some mascara or a pinch of rouge to brighten the cheeks.And I’m not some sort of religious zealot who chastise women for their vainness, however... I have to comment on these commercials and the media who has made looking a certain way mandatory for success and happiness.

This infomercial today was such that a small beauty mark on this girls face was seen as a disease and disfiguring. I watched as the host of the show ask the audience if they could see where the mark was, no one could find it under the makeup that carefully hid it from everyone to see.

The girl gave her story of feeling as if everyone stared at her before she removed the cover up… She gave the impression her mark was hideous and disfiguring, you know like Quasimodo or the elephant man… but after seeing it… it left me with a sour taste in my mouth and anger welling up in the pit of my soul, not from the looks of the mark but the vainness of society to be so hopeless that a mark such as that would cause a person such uncomfortable feelings.

The host then asked the her client to remove the makeup where she uncovered a small very slightly discoloured mark on her face from the just below the bridge of her nose to just under the corner of her left eye, hardly an inch long and half inch wide that almost looked like a tear and some freckles.

I thought, is that it?? Is that all that you are so worried about?? How pathetic I thought...

But this is society today. This is how we are brainwashed to think and feel...

There are TV reality shows now that cover complete make-overs and plastic surgery. Imagine the “prize patrol” that publishers clearing house does when they are surprising you with ten million bucks… now there is a “make over patrol” that surprises you with a complete make over. Like guess what… you are ugly and do not conform to the way society thinks you should look… so we are going to change you!

Today as you look around in society, in the media, everything from books to magazines; movies to even video games, looking a certain way is the only way you can achieve greatness in life. Success depends on how you dress, how your hair is styled and what you look like. Happiness depends on being thin, active and perfect teeth and skin like creamy white satin.

Every weekly show on television, no matter if it is a comedy, or drama, the happy successful character is thin, perfect hair, stylish clothes, big houses etc etc… I’m sure you have seen it yourself… and all the characters who are poor, unsuccessful women are fat or on the larger end of the scale, men it seems, doesn’t matter as much as many times larger men are seen as being successful. Anyway back to the poor, not so successful female as they are seen as messy, disheveled hair, no make up if any or too much make up with blues and purples that don’t complement but make her look like a Saturday night hooker. Think of the hagish looking female on the cartoon "the rescuers" that adopted Penny.

You never see women running out to the store to make themselves look like her, but instead they want to look like the female they see on TV… these stars who have their own clotheslines so we can be mini me’s of that "successful artist", no one just being themselves anymore.

Just go to any store, JC Penny's, Wal-mart, Target, etc... tons of clothes designed by various actresses pushed like drugs from corner dealers. Perfumes, make up... yes make up, deodorant, you name it its there somewhere.

Happiness, as seen through todays society, is found in a make up bottle or brush to paint on a new face and the look that men in this world are force fed day and night of plastic air brushed females in the magazines, movies, books (as if many men or female, picks up a good book anymore) and video games (this is more their speed today, that along with fap mags and T&A clips)…

No man or woman ever satisfied today with true human looks, you know the one we are born with. Our personality is forced to put on a mask everyday to appease societies demand for its perceived beauty.

A time used to be where people were seen though the eyes of the beholder, where love was based on what a person was inside not the outer shell that’s put on with what a person wears, whether it’s the style of clothes, or mask.Beauty used to be seen in the soul, the kind of personality a person had, whether or not he was rich or poor.

It was seen in the depths of a persons eyes and the traits he or she possessed. Success was decided on the persons education and happiness in his hard work.

Today success is measured by how many cars a person has and the size of his wallet, while his outer shell and his companionship are those who are just a clone of him determines his happiness.

When a small mark on the face becomes hideous and depressing and the person feels suicidal, society has gone too far in determining beauty. To push their face creams, makeup, their idea of what beauty really is, is one of the biggest sins imaginable in my opinion.

Destroying the human spirit and natural beauty that comes from within a person so we can make others happy and rich adds to the decline of humanity. Being so overly concerned about superficial beauty keeps people cast in certain class structures that inhibit our spirit and is just as bad as racial and religious discrimination in my opinion.

The struggle for diversity becomes null because no one is left to be just themselves anymore. We all have to become market clones of what is seen on the wide screen in order to feel we are accepted in our obsessed society.

And you know the most ironic thing of all of this makeup, cover-up crap, is at the end of the day, the woman goes through another regiment of media force-fed crap of make up removal and clear clean skin products that the makeup they first endorsed clogs the natural cleaning ability through the skins pores. All a vicious cycle to spend more money and make others "successful".